Companies are offering an increasing number of eLearning training programs to their staff as they look to take full advantage of the benefits such programs entail. One key element of online training programs goes back to motivation. In fact, motivation is a huge element in training and in reaching the performance objectives of the training program. Motivation boils down several factors such as the quality of the device used in training, the content within modules, the relationship between fellow trainees and the role of the trainer. The question becomes: “How do we maximize engagement of trainees in remote training contexts?”

With regards to training, motivation is considered an essential element given its impact on learning. Several advantages result from increasing motivation including how it helps align trainees for specific goals, how it increases drive and effort and thirdly it helps determine what trainees focus their attention on which in turn helps improve the handling and memorization of information. Motivation is essential in improving overall performance given that trainees are motivated and behave in ways that best foster the learning process.

That said, what are best practices when it comes to driving motivation. Several concepts come into play.

  • Measuring progress and success of the training program via a progressive self-assessment by trainees.
  • Coherence of the training program in terms of content, ergonomics and navigation.
  • Interactivity and practical measures put forth through its prescribed activities (QCM, exercises, games, etc.) The trainee gets the feeling they are an actor or player during their training session.
  • The definition of educational objectives which are both precise and concrete. These must be presented clearly from the start and must be perceived at accessible and stimulating. This also allows the trainee to immerse themselves and understand what purpose the training program will serve for them.
  • Clarity of all messaging complete with concise content that is precise and presented using the proper language.
  • Limited running time of training modules that are segmented and organized afford the trainee the change to plan for the number of modules they can handle concurrently.
  • Customized level and discourse: it is conceivable to propose a test at the onset of the training program in order to verify the competency level of the trainee and then be in a position offer content that is most suited to their level and catered to their needs.
  • Personalization of the interface complete with choice of avatars, pseudonyms and even the size of the font.

In closing, it is important to always question if the motivational element is being met by any training via eLearning. These points can help make your training modules more engaging and motivational. And always remember that any good piece of e-learning is an online training program that trainees both understand and take ownership of.

Caroline Irrmann, web editor