Which eLearning content is best for you?

The arrival of new technologies has transformed our behaviour and how we consume. That being said, these technologies have an impact on education and learning tools in professional training. Training as a whole had to therefore adapt and begin relying on these new advances. To this end, there is now a variety of eLearning options now available including: rapid learning, video learning, learning games, blended learning and social learning to name a few. Among these exist new types of interactive content and the question becomes: which of these should be most relied on in hope of generating quality content?

Rapid Learning allows for the creation of modules with office software like Word and PowerPoint. This can be a simple publication of PowerPoint in eLearning format without specific bolstering, or the publication of advanced content created in PowerPoint with animation, sound effects, interactive elements, etc. Among its advantages is its ability to leverage existing content which is simple to feature and manageable at a low cost. The downside is the lack of robust and fleshed out content.

Top quality eLearning features content that is reliant above all else on interactive elements, allowing the trainee to work in quasi-realistic situations. The advantage of such training programs is how it forces the trainee to maximize the retention of information. Often structured with tests and reminders, it permits a 60% decrease in the ratio of training versus on-site training, leading to a slightly higher memorization level. This is recommended for complex content such as learning of advanced office concepts or a task which necessitates a sharp knowledge of procedures.

Video Learning has become one of the most efficient and highest performing of all remote training program practices. According to a study in Forrester Research, one minute of video is the equivalent of 1.8 million words. It is therefore pertinent to look to videos for training courses as opposed to long written content that is difficult to absorb. Educational videos answer a number of demands companies have in trying to better manage the transition to the digitizing of their training programs. This type of learning is intuitive and particularly adaptable to training programs based on the observation of behaviour and permits trainees to learn at their own speed thanks to availability of such video content. Its costs can remain moderate and its usage is essential according to the MOOC’s.

Also available are Learning Games or Serious Games which are e-learning modules which are scripted and give the main character the status of hero by entrusting them a task or a challenge and asking them to lead an investigation or to accumulate points.  Their purpose is to make the serious components of the training program more attractive through an interaction, rules and eventually intuitive objectives. Entertaining and user-friendly, the learning games are perceived as original and to have a strong impact. Then again, not all subjects are adaptable to this model and production costs tend to be very high.

The bringing together of several types of interactive content meanwhile becomes what is known as blended learning. This is a complete training program using a variety of teaching methods (on-site, eLearning modules, serious games, etc.). The right combination of these different techniques improves the training program process of companies and brings down logistical costs.

This type of learning makes training programs more accessible and creates new motivation stemming from the user-friendly activities it features and the different interactive content previously mentioned. PowerPoint documents and serious games all have the advantage of making the training process more dynamic thus drawing in the interest and attention of the trainees.

In conclusion, it goes without saying attractive content is critical in the context of any training program. The time has come for innovative and efficient training methods, but it is necessary to find the right tools that fit with the expectations of the trainees, taking into account any operational constraints and its overall educational efficiency.

Caroline Irrmann, web editor