The fast-paced and continuous needs of learning require the implementation of new formative approaches. By eliminating borders and reducing access costs, online learning has never been more important or more necessary. As we enter the New Year, Edu-Performance is learning into the trends and challenges that have marked the e-learning sector.

Ongoing digital transformation in businesses requires a quicker and more efficient training for thousands of employees, but also innovation to draw and retain new talent. What is the key to this transformation? Collaborative learning, multi-format approach, virtual reality, gamification and adaptive learning are all terms that will make their way into businesses in 2020.

1 – Multi-format Approach: Democratizing Access to Information

The age of correspondence courses seems far away. Now, students can no longer contain themselves to a single office computer. Training is in our pockets now, accessible using smartphones and tablets. Whether it be on public transit or between meetings, these devices are able to connect teams and independent workers remotely.

2 – Collaborative Learning

Learning is best done in pairs. A collaborative learning method adds a social aspect to training, which can prove to be an advantage for trainees and employers alike. In fact, it’s by exchanging ideas that we can promote the sharing of knowledge as well as a healthy group dynamic. With that in mind, a number of solutions based on this approach are expected to be developed.

3 – Gamification

In the same vein, blending games with traditional learning increases pleasure, as well as learning. It consists of a new way of motivating students, on the condition that a balance is struck between game play and pedagogy.

4 – Adaptive Learning

On a more individual level, a personalized training allows one to learn at their own pace and based on their own preferences. According to settings and an algorithm, learning solutions can adapt and adjust to each student as they interact with the module. It also becomes its own actor of training, which leads to a more efficient training and an improved user experience.

5 – Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality is going further to provide a more realistic experience. With it, training becomes something we can experiment with. By allowing for immersion in the working environment, this makes for a learning experience that’s more attractive than ever; one that’s anchored in daily life. Still too costly to implement up until recently, virtual and augmented reality technology could make an appearance in 2020.

Marianne Côté, web editor