How to choose your LMS ?
Globalization forces companies to stay in the race in efforts to remain competitive. In order to do so, a company’s work force must be the focal point and to reach that goal, the training of that work force becomes of utmost importance.
The management of this training process had long been based on on-site training programs. Since the advent of remote training from synchronous with virtual classrooms and asynchronous through eLearning to social learning with the recent explosion of communication channels opened up by social media, it has become increasingly difficult to manage this array of training options.
Akin to the development of working remotely and work cells is the delocalization of workers which increasingly impends on-site training options in the workplace.
The consequences of these challenges necessitated the creation of a management system for specific training programs known as LMS (Learning Management System) which allows a company to train its employees remotely while disseminating content online.
A number of options are available on the market with the choices of different functionalities and services factoring into the decision-making process. The end goal is to find the LMS most suited to your needs and the question becomes: what characteristics are essential to a good LMS?
As an online training program management platform, a good LMS allows trainers to pass on instructional content remotely to trainees while also tracking and guiding their learning process. Results are then recorded and a follow-up on the training progress of a trainee is always available. For trainees, a LMS platform allows them easily access content remotely that is catered to their needs.
Among the essential characteristics of a LMS is its ability to be linked with an online training course creation system which can produce content. This then becomes LCMS (Learning Content Management System).
LMS can also offer communication and collaboration tools which lead to the creation of a veritable virtual community. Sharing, exchanging and communication are the keys to the success of collaborative learning. An LMS can also interface with an accounting system or its CRM. These characteristics are generally sought after by larger companies.
In addition, the LMS must allow for the management of hybrid training (the association of synchronous and asynchronous training). It is advised to use both methods in order to make the experience more dynamic which increase engagement on the part of the trainees.
Tactic! LMS is certainly one of the most complete systems on the market. It allows to create the structure of training courses, disseminate courses, manage the information from trainees, communicate in a complete virtual community and also evaluate performance.
A number of companies and organizations trust Tactic! LMS. Thanks to its simple interface and array of management functions, it offers a learning environment and helps companies save a lot of money.
To sum up, the aforementioned features will allow you to make your informed decision towards am LMS which can ultimately satisfy the needs of companies and collaborators alike.
Tactic! LMS is a global solution allowing to efficiently manage trainees, learning, content and the environment be it physical or virtual.
Caroline Irrmann, rédactrice web