Starting out in the online training sector is something that can’t be improvised. Even though it is true that remote learning is now available to everyone, there are nevertheless rules to be respected so that the training in question is a success. What are the right steps to follow ?

Here are some rules to follow to create engaging and relevant eLearning content for the learner while being efficient and economical for companies.

First of all, the first step to follow is to analyze the needs of the target audience in order to then set course objectives.

To achieve this, you must answer the following questions: What is the context? What is the learners’ motivation? What is their skill levels? What is their Internet access?

Based on these answers, will you be able to determine the means of disseminating content as in: synchronous or asynchronous, online or mixed learning (face-to-face and online)?

You can then begin the development of your course, determine the evaluation methods (quiz, assessment between learners, forums, etc.) and define the success criteria.

As for the distribution of your content, there are many platforms available on the market, but we must not neglect to check both the popularity and reliability of each, the required fee and the creative and management tools that are available to make an informed decision.

The next step is the implementation of your online training. Before the official launch, you can select a group of individuals who can validate the relevance and smooth operation of your course before it goes live.

After analyzing the comments gathered from the test group, you will be able to evaluate and update your content. You can then start the training process knowing that you can make updates at any point.

Finally, you will have to think about marketing your course. For this step, there are many ways to make yourself known at a very affordable price. For example, you can create your own blog to publish your articles, post them on high traffic sites, or actively participate in groups on social media.

In light of these elements, finding a niche in the online training market may not be so difficult, but it requires real thought and the application of the essential rules. Remember that when designing a module, it is important to arrange opportunities where the learner can interact, modify and rephrase things on their own.

With specific goals, a desire to succeed and a selection of an innovative platform, you can quickly become a Web entrepreneur.

Caroline Irrmann, web editor