Montreal, March 2024: Edu-Performance Canada announces the award of a contract aimed at providing its Tactic! LMS platform to one of the ministries of the Government of Canada.

Edu-Performance Canada is proud to announce a new collaboration with this Ministry of the Government of Canada. As a recognized leader in the field of Learning Management Systems (LMS/SGA), Edu-Performance Canada is proud to have been selected through a tender launched at the end of 2023 for the provision of a Learning Management System (LMS), implementation and deployment, as well as product support and maintenance.

This contract aims to:

– Provide, implement, and support our Tactic! LMS in the Cloud;

– Optimize staff training and development processes;

– Have a platform enabling the delivery of training, including asynchronous online training;

– Ensure accurate tracking of learners’ progress and evolution of their knowledge;

– Monitor skills acquisition and post-competence management;

– Establish and track individual learner objectives;

– Customize training programs to meet the organization’s specific needs;

– Plan and organize training sessions;

– Effectively track training costs, based on various components of the organization;

– Encourage a culture of continuous learning and professional excellence.

This collaboration demonstrates Edu-Performance Canada’s expertise in supporting the growth and success of its partners by offering innovative solutions tailored to the challenges of the contemporary market, for a duration of five years. We are excited to work closely with this organization and its thousands of users to achieve their individual and common goals, to support this client in promoting excellence in talent management and learning.

About Tactic! LMS: Tactic! LMS is a 100% web-based, multilingual LMS/SGA platform, powerful and efficient in managing and delivering various types of training (hybrid, asynchronous, synchronous, face-to-face, tutoring, coaching, etc.), as well as establishing and managing skills. It is designed for high-performing organizations seeking an intuitive and comprehensive learning environment with extensive management tools. Mature, robust, and capable of integrating with the client’s other HR systems, this platform is responsive, compatible with tablets and smartphones. It revolves around learning planning and organization, training cost management tools, process optimization, approval flow, and resource coordination. Tactic! LMS operates using major internet browsers (Google, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge), compliant with accessibility standards (WCAG).

About Edu-Performance Canada: For over 30 years, Edu-Performance Canada has been involved in the web software publishing sector for training and asynchronous online training. Among its products, it includes a powerful and innovative learning and skills management platform called Tactic! LMS, including a team of seasoned experts for implementation and deployment, as well as a catalog of over 1000 multimedia and interactive training modules available in different languages. These two products enable organizations to manage and maximize human resource development. Edu-Performance Canada also offers custom course development, i.e., asynchronous training specifically developed to meet a client’s needs. Concerned about the protection of personal information, Edu-Performance Canada has been ISO 27001 certified for several years, and the company and its employees all have security ratings assigned by the Government of Canada. Edu-Performance Canada now allows its clients to develop the knowledge of thousands of learners.

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