Montreal, May12, 2015 – Edu-Performance Canada is proud to have secured the contract for the distribution of the e-learning products for les Editions Maletto.

The Malettoe-learning collection consists of a series of seven French interactive videos on personal management, interpersonal communications and participative management with a running time of 20-25 minutes.

Edu-PerformanceCanada will now get to benefit from the immense notoriety of Michel Maletto by distributing his video training sessions which feature the renowned methodology its creator is famous for. Thanks to this new collection, Edu-Performance gets to bolster its catalogue of online courses which now counts over 1,000 easy-to-use, interactive modules.

About Éditions Maletto

Éditions Maletto is a firm that dates back over 40 years and counts over 250 companies in its client base both private and public. Based on the true experiences of individuals, the company offers their clients fresh methodologies and new tools that are geared to guide individuals in their own competencies. Their approach is based on methodology, analysis and intervention tools.

About Edu-PerformanceCanada

For over 25 years, Edu-Performance Canada has been a leader in the online training program sector. Among the products that make up their catalogue, which now totals over 1,000 interactive and multimedia training modules in a variety of languages, is an online training platform called Tactic! LMS and a development team for on-site,personal training courses for companies in need of it. Edu-Performance counts over several million users today.

Edu-performance :

More information:

Sylvain Dufour,

Executive Vice-President of Sales
Edu-Performance Canada.
+1 (450) 466–7275 #36

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