New contract for Tactic! LMS to one of the Ministries of the Government of Quebec.

Montreal, November 2023: Edu-Performance Canada announces winning a bid for the supply and implementation of an LMS, including the provision of its Tactic! LMS platform in the Cloud to a branch [...]


What is social anxiety?

Social anxiety, also called social phobia, is an intense and persistent fear of being judged or rejected by others in social or performance situations. People with social anxiety may experience [...]


Key skills to succeed in an era of automation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the world of work, and many jobs are likely to disappear in the coming years. This raises important questions about the future of employment and the [...]


Turning crisis into opportunity

Our purchasing power has decreased significantly in recent years. Salaries are stagnating, the cost of living is increasing, and social and fiscal charges are weighing more and more on our [...]


How have Covid-19 and e-learning changed our habits?

The pandemic we are going through will have changed many of the habits that we took for granted. Among these habits, the way we work has definitely taken an unexpected turn with the explosion of [...]


The new era of HTML5 for e-learning

After more than 25 years, the Flash plug-in was abandoned by web browsers on December 31, 2020, which represents a major challenge for hundreds of millions of e-learning courses that were only [...]



The learning machine—or automated learning—first emerged in the artificial intelligence sector in the second half of the 20th century. It has henceforth completely rethought the way we perceive [...]



The advantages to developing a company’s e learning training programs need not be proven. Today their use is engrained in most companies, organizations and learning environments.