de faire la diffusion de la formation en ligne
et la gestion de tous les modes d’apprentissage
your business with the best in training,
skills, compensation and succession

Talent management software solutions
Tactic! TMS is an integrated talent management platform. This platform not only allows managers to track the training of individuals, but also allows for tracking of results and performance of participants. It allows for the assignment of individual or group objectives and measuring the progress and achievement of these objectives. The management of skills, related to positions or not, and the monitoring of the acquisition of skills by individuals allow the company to better plan succession.With Tactic! TMS, Edu-Performance offers a complete platform for individuals at all levels of the organization to develop their potential, increase their efficiency, plan their professional careers and achieve their goals.

Tactic! tms is :
- Management of Training and Skills
- Performance Management
- Compensation Management
- Succession / Next Generation Management
- Career Management
- Social and Collaborative Module
Tactic! TMS relies on Tactic’s training management and skills management features! LMS that no longer has to prove itself. Its powerful and innovative functionality is intended for organizations or high-tech companies wishing to acquire a protected, ergonomic and very complete management environment. Offered in Acquisition Mode, or Cloud computing in either SaaS or Dedicated Lease, installation and maintenance are done instantly, and it is possible to configure the platform to your needs.
- Training Management
- Skills management
- Managing goals and interests for each employee
- Monitoring goal progression
- Accessible by employees and managers
- Peer evaluation, opportunity to evaluate and help each other with colleagues and collaborators
- Workforce planning
Tactic! TMS offers you a performance management module based on individual objectives and corporate objectives, all of which can also be related to your strategic plan if you have one. Employee performance management is at the heart of the concerns of all organizations. The platform allows for the management of skills, goals and interests for each employee. A user-friendly performance evaluation process is accessible by both the manager and the employee. The evaluation (360-degree feedback) allowing access to comments or recommendations is an integral part of the solution. This allows the employee to track their progress and annual goals.
- Setting of corporate objectives based on the organization’s needs
- Setting of individual goals for each employee
- Periodic monitoring of the achievement of objectives according to the skills sought
- Development plan for goals based on skills to acquire
- Campaign planning
Because it is essential to control the progress of the employees within your organization, Tactic! TMS offers you tools for planning their compensation.
- Tool for compensation planning
- Planning, scenarios and budgeting
The most successful companies are those that have planned not only the career development and fulfillment of their employees, but also how will they ultimately replace each of the key positions within the organization. This is part of a succession optimization process.
- Study of critical and strategic positions
- Identify gaps for succession
- Have an overview of the situation in relation to the future needs of your workforce
- Allows succession planning
- Identification of gaps to take advantage of apprenticeship programs
By placing the employee at the center of the organization, you enable them to become aware of their importance, to be able to identify their shortcomings according to their career goals, and ultimately to increase their well-being for the benefit of your organization.
- Position the employee in forefront of the organization
- Validate the career aspirations of the employee
- Management of his career choice, his mobility and his professional plan
Learning management systems: Discover our catalogue of 800 e-learning trainings available from our powerful Tactic! LMS hybrid training platform. You will find our office automation courses, but also training in management, health, languages and other topics.
With today’s acceleration of technological change, training faces a major challenge, namely the constant adaptation of this technology to keep up with constant changes in process. Social Learning, because it relies on the social interaction of your employees, makes it possible to quickly crystallize information and integrate it into your training system. Knowledge sharing, communication and collaborative work are part of the everyday needs of individuals.
- Creation of a communication network for a learning community,
- Set up moderators
- Discussion wall
- Collaborative work with file sharing
- Structure, manage, identify and retrieve information
- Manage information flow
- Sharing information with peers
- Discussion forum related to one or more training programs